Owen Matthew Phillippi
Born Sept 26, 2013
4:23 pm
9 lbs 1 oz, 21.5 in
Owen's due date came... and went. I tried all the old wive's tales-- walking, spicy food, and even had Matt get me a pineapple. On the 25th, I was 41 weeks along and went in for my weekly check-up. To my disappointment, I was still only at a 1. My doctor did an ultrasound. It estimated an 8.5 lb baby, but there was still plenty of fluid surrounding him (meaning it was safe for him to continue to gestate). I had a tentative induction scheduled for the week after, but my doctor gave me the option of moving it up to sometime that week. I have never wanted to be induced, I felt I would rather let things happen on their own when they were meant to. The thought of an 8.5 lb baby and being very tired of being pregnant helped me change my mind. Our doctor left to call and see when there was an opening. She came back in and said, "It looks like there is an opening for tomorrow, what do you think?" It felt a little unreal. Even though we had been planning on him already being here, it was strange to think "tomorrow we're going to have a baby!" That night I started having a few mild contractions, but nothing too severe and nothing regular. Around 8:00 we set off to the hospital. They checked me when I got there and I was still at a 1. They decided to go ahead and proceed with the induction and gave me the cervical softener, with plans to start the pitocin in the morning. I tried to sleep, but the contractions became more frequent and painful and it was a restless night. By morning I had only progressed to 3 cm and was more than ready for the epidural. I got it around 6:30. I have to tell you, epidurals are incredible. All of a sudden I couldn't feel a thing and I was able to nap a lot of the day. Around 3:00 I started feeling very strong urges to push. I was still at a 9.5 and so was told to wait. That was the longest 20 minutes of my life! At 3:20 I started pushing and at 4:23 he was born. In nursing school I was part of several births, but doing it yourself is an entirely different experience. It took so much focus and concentration, by the end I was exhausted. A memory I will always treasure is watching Matt's face as he saw Owen for the first time. Pregnancy is a pretty one-sided experience, and it was magical to see the man I love holding a little person who is half me and half him. Finally this baby who we have prayed for for so long is here. He is perfect. I could just look at him all day. So thankful that he's ours.
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