Monday, December 31, 2012

December Happenings

We've been busy this month! Highlights include:
  • A weekend trip to Minnesota and Mall of America.

Can you believe there's a whole amusement park INSIDE the mall?

We made the mistake of going on a water ride-poor Matt ended up soaking wet! Not so fun when it's 20 degrees outside. I guess that's how they get people to buy clothes :)
  • Chinese Lantern Festival in Dallas

  • Christmas trip to St. Helens
My beautiful sister

We went on a nice hike-I missed the beautiful Oregon greenery :)
Dinner at a fun German restaurant. They have an accordion player that came to our table. He sang us a traditional  love song for our anniversary-rules are you have to stare into each other's eyes until the song is over.

We went ice skating at the mall.  Matt got a little distracted when we walked past a poster shop. :)
Our week there went by too fast-it's time to get back to work. Happy New Year, everyone!


  1. does the Chinese Lantern Festival happen every year? I lived in the area for how long and never heard of this. Looks pretty cool.

  2. Love it! until the horribly disturbing picture at the end

  3. I think this was the first year they did it. Not really sure, my social calendar is pretty much decided by Groupon.

    Melissa, don't hate me cause you ain't me.

  4. Fun fun!
    "My social calendar is pretty much decided by Groupon"... Story of our lives! Made me lol :)
